
Universal energies, physical, and mental/emotional trauma can live in the tissues causing increased muscle tension. An increase in muscle tension sends "warning" signals to the brain, and our bodies start to experience pain, anxiety, chronic fatigue, altered biomechanics, and many more. In short, we just don't feel like our selves. Chiropractic adjustments under our healing system are t... Read More

Universal energies, physical, and mental/emotional trauma can live in the tissues causing increased muscle tension.

An increase in muscle tension sends "warning" signals to the brain, and our bodies start to experience pain, anxiety, chronic fatigue, altered biomechanics, and many more. In short, we just don't feel like our selves.

Chiropractic adjustments under our healing system are tailored to what you need in that moment. We are working with the physical body while holding awareness of the whole.

Hello Denver!

I Am Doctor Sahira Tapia, a purpose driven and love-centered chiropractor.

I am a wholistic expert in healing.

I share my blessing with clients who are passionate movers, energy workers, and high achievers by helping them invest in their bodies. I support my clients in their journey to perform and create at their highest level for as long as they desire.

The link between the mind and body:

Universal energies (anger, resentment, shame, etc.) live in the tissues causing unconscious tension that alters the natural way your body moves, depletes available energy, and causes symptoms of anxiety and depression. For those of us who use our bodies for creating, unconscious muscle tension affects our ability to accurately perceive ourselves and the world around us. This altered perception limits our abilities to express and share our gifts with the communities we serve.

Chiropractic care reconnects the mind and body by unwinding these tension patterns and is a pathway to high quality expression of your craft. Performing at the top of our skillsets is a pathway that increases quality of life. The positive effects go on and on.

As we adjust your body, we attune your mind to the subtleties of your internal world thus giving you access to your Higher Self.

Chiropractic care with me is about mind-body transformation. As my teacher Ritu says, “step into my dojo, step into your truth” .

Thank you for sharing this time with me. I am training for you, and so ready to meet you.

Hello Denver! I Am Doctor Sahira Tapia, a purpose driven and love-centered chiropractor. I am a... Read More

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Located at: 4045 N Pecos St, 160, Denver
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